Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Father's Collection. ALL about AUSTRALIA!

This Coin Was Minted in 2009. His lucky Coin i think.

His one kilo Platinum Bar. Crazy Investment!

His Gold Nugget.

Truth is, My dad owns a Gold Mining Company . If you want to invest your money. Why not invest in his company. A gold company never let you down . I cant post any more details about his gold project. If you are interested , Do give him a call . 91196969 . His name is Seri .

Some of my Coins! & Old Ancient Keris!

This Is Malaya 1956 1 cent coin . Got it From my friends. He sold it to me for a cheap price.

This is King George V 1932 half cent. Its kinda Rare in Singapore .

One of My Grandfather's Special Treasure. It was given to my great-grandfather. It has some mystical supernatural thing going on. But its kinda cool to own a keris that is 100 years old.

Old Coins that i collect.

Im a new coin collector , learning to be a collector . My grandfather and parents are the one that will guide me through my journey!

This is an Antique Arabic coin called the Yassin Coin
( Ini Adalah Duit yassin 7 )

The back of the Coin Shows a unique butterfly Picture

For enquiry sms me
/nubmer found beside

Another Arabic Coin . It has been With my family for 119 years.